Dues Information

Dues Information


How are MEA dues determined?

For MEA, dues are set by delegates to the MEA Representative Assembly in conjunction with adoption of the MEA budget. The structure for dues was changed at the 2020 RA for the 2020-21 school year to reduce dues for lower wage earners, while keeping the cap at $655 for those at the top (as was set, along with the budget, at the 2019 RA).

In an effort to reduce dues for members who earned less and hopefully increase membership, the RA adopted different dues percentages by salary bracket, effectively reducing dues for everyone making less than $46,406.  The new percentages, brackets and maximums are as follows:

Salary/Wages Range Dues for That Range Total Dues Shall Not Exceed
$0 – $10,000 1.10% $110.00
$10,000.01 – $20,000 1.30% $240.00
$20,000.01 – $35,000 1.55% $472.50
$35,000.01 – $46,406 1.60% $655.00
$46,406+ Dues shall be $655.00


This year’s dues information can be found here. For assistance in determining your exact dues amount under this new structure, contact your local UniServ office.

How are NEA dues determined?

NEA dues are set by national level governance documents.

Per the NEA Bylaws, the NEA full-time membership fee shall be “.00225 times the national average annual salary of classroom teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools (rounded to the nearest dollar) plus .00055 of the national average annual salary of classroom teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools (rounded to the nearest dollar) to be allocated to the UniServ grants according to the policy of the NEA Board of Directors.” The dues are based on prior year salary data. Dues for ESP members are determined based upon the national average annual salary of school employees in educational support positions, but in no event shall the dues be less than one-half the active dues for classroom teachers.

How much of my dues go to political candidates?

None!  State and federal campaign finance law states that we are not allowed to contribute dues money to political candidates – so we don’t!  Only voluntary contributions to the MEA Political Action Committee (MEA-PAC) or the NEA Fund for Children and Public education can be used for that purpose at the state and federal level, respectively.  However, every decision affecting public education is made by an elected politician at some level (local, state or federal).  As such, dues dollars can be and are used to lobby lawmakers and communicate about important education issues with the public.