MEA EdWatch

From Discouraged to Empowered: My Story of Union Advocacy
By Amy Urbanowski-Nowak Birch Run Education Association President We have a big problem in Michigan schools, folks, and it has nothing to do with test scores or differentiated instruction. It has everything to do with treating teachers like professionals and human beings. Amy Urbanowski-Nowak Most recently, this came to the forefront for me as a union president assisting an employee…

MEA Member’s Viral Post Describes ‘A Day in the Life’
By Brenda Ortega Editor Last Friday was not an unusual day at school for MEA member Amber Guerreiro. Nothing in particular happened to make the middle school Spanish teacher feel frustrated or discouraged. But she came home “overcome with exhaustion,” she said, “and I just broke.” Amber Guerreiro “It was a regular day, like any day, but I got home…

Whitmer Pushes for Real Budget Solutions at Jackson School Visit
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ventured into the Jackson County turf of Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) on Thursday to illustrate the struggles schools are facing without a state budget and press Republican leaders to put real solutions on the table. After meeting with school administrators, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer spoke with Jackson High School students in Beth Lawrie-Smith's freshman AP U.S.…

A Message From a Mid-Career Teacher in Michigan
By Brenda Ortega Editor Like many mid-career teachers in Michigan today, English teacher Maureen Horan can document the decline of her income starting in 2011. Maureen Horan Not only did her salary decrease that year, but new state laws deducted more money from her paycheck for health care premiums and retirement which ate into her take-home pay. A 21-year veteran…

Together We Can Seize this Moment
Editor’s Note: Much has been written about educator demoralization in Michigan and across the country. Politicians have simultaneously cut education funding while increasing demands on schools and educators. The resulting effects have led to growing staffing difficulties, from K-12 teachers, to bus drivers, paraeducators, and higher education faculty. Declining pay and benefits. Large class sizes. Too few librarians, counselors, social…

Teaching ‘shouldn’t require financial martyrdom’
By Brenda Ortega Editor Four years ago, MEA member Brady Crites returned to teach at his high school alma mater in Rochester after earning a Bachelor’s degree in Germanic Languages and Literature and obtaining secondary teaching certification at University of Michigan. But he couldn’t return to live in Rochester. He can’t afford it. Instead 26-year-old Crites lives with three roommates…

Whitmer Makes Education a Priority
By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor Gov. Gretchen Whitmer listed education funding along with fixing roads and other infrastructure as the top two priorities facing Michigan policymakers during her first State of the State address on Tuesday night. Everyone can see the terrible condition of the state’s roads, and the average motorist spends $562 per year in car repairs from…
Brenda Ortega is the editor of various MEA publications, including MEA Voice magazine. She has worked as a journalist at several outlets, including The Associated Press and Los Angeles Times. Her experience includes nearly 15 years in the classroom, teaching middle school social studies and language arts, high school English, and community college composition and developmental reading and writing.