Advancing Public Education

Advancing Public Education

There are real challenges facing public education — and none of us can face these challenges alone.

When educators stand together as union members, we have strength in numbers and can be more effective when it comes to advocating for the needs of our students.

Through the collective power of nearly 120,000 members throughout Michigan, MEA membership gives us a seat at the table and influence in crafting the policies that affect our students, our classrooms and our schools.

Much of what we negotiate about our working conditions has a direct impact on the students we serve. Take a look at your contract: Whether it’s class size limits, adequate supplies, safety issues, prep time, intellectual property, bus safety or countless other issues, our working conditions are our students’ learning conditions.

As dedicated teachers, education support professionals and higher education faculty and staff, we are the experts in education. Belonging to MEA helps lift our voices so we can be heard, from the halls of our school buildings to the halls of the state Capitol.

With educators’ voices raised together, we can help ensure that every student has access to an excellent education — and that we have the resources we need to help our students succeed.