58th Annual MEA/MAEA Art Purchase Exhibit 

MEA and the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA) are seeking entries for their 58th annual juried art purchase show.

The exhibit—to acquire artwork to enhance the MEA headquarters complex in East Lansing and MEA regional and UniServ offices throughout the state—provides an opportunity to display art by MAEA, MEA, or MEA-Retired members in good standing.

To be eligible to enter, the artist must be a member in good standing of MEA, MEA-Retired, or MAEA. Staff from MEA, MESSA and MEAFS must be a member of MEA-Retired in order to enter artwork in the exhibit. Proof of membership is required. There is no entry fee.

To enter, visit mea.org/art for an entry form and exhibit guidelines. Entries will be accepted Monday through Friday, Feb. 14-25, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and Feb. 26 (Sat, 8 a.m.-noon at MEA headquarters).



MEA announces Congressional recommendations for McDonald Rivet and Swartz

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association announced Friday the recommendations of Kristen McDonald Rivet for the 8th Congressional District and Jessica Swartz for the 4th Congressional District. “At the local level, MEA members interviewed the candidates and have made careful decisions to recommend in these races because our students need members of Congress who’ll […]