Plymouth union offers Pint-Sized PD

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor In the past two years, Christine Rushlow surveyed members of the Plymouth Canton Education Association (PCEA) with two questions: what problems are you confronting in your school role, and what expertise do you offer which could help others address issues they’re facing? As the PCEA vice president for elementary, […]

Evart unions jointly oppose attacks

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor For two decades Valerie Hopkins has faced challenges and celebrated joys of teaching early elementary school in Evart Public Schools northwest of Mt. Pleasant. Four years ago she became president of her local union to make things right for members frozen on steps. She never imagined the courage and […]

For One, For All: MEA Organizing Stories

School support staff in Kalamazoo have taken to heart a familiar union saying: Don’t mourn, organize. When the district’s new superintendent offered educator bonuses to teachers and paraeducators — excluding school office personnel, bus drivers, campus security staff and other employees — the Kalamazoo Support Professionals (KSP) unit fought back. Superintendent Darrin Slade told them […]

MEA, AFT Michigan announce support of statewide education board candidates

MICHIGAN –– The Michigan Education Association (MEA) and American Federation of Teachers Michigan (AFT Michigan) today announced their support for several statewide education board candidates, including: Ted Jones and Adam Zemke for State Board of Education Rebecca Bahar-Cook and Thomas Stallworth for Michigan State University Board of Trustees Denise Ilitch and Shauna Ryder Diggs for […]