Supporting MEA’s Strategic Direction

MEA staff and members are advancing racial and social justice in education as part of the MEA Strategic Plan. For future events, watch your email inbox for the Center for Leadership & Learning’s new monthly newsletter: AT THE CENTER. GOAL: HELP RECRUIT, ENGAGE, AND RETAIN A DIVERSE POPULATION OF EDUCATORS THAT ARE REFLECTIVE OF THE […]

MEA announces candidate recommendations in several Michigan Congressional races

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association announced Wednesday the following recommendations of candidates for Michigan Congressional districts: 3rd District: Rep. Hillary Scholten 6th District: Rep. Debbie Dingell 7th District: Curtis Hertel Jr. 10th District: Carl Marlinga 11th District: Rep. Haley Stevens 12th District: Rep. Rashida Tlaib 13th District: Rep. Shri Thanedar “MEA members at […]

Clawson teachers light the way: contract settles all newly restored topics

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor In her nearly 14 years as president of the Clawson Education Association, Kelly Pearson has not bargained a better contract than the one she recently signed. Overwhelmingly approved by membership, the deal struck different responses between early-career and longer-term educators. “Overall, people were happy,” Pearson said of reactions during […]

Whitmer’s new budget proposal includes universal preK-14 and free school meals

Free universal preschool and community college, along with continued record funding for Michigan’s public schools, are at the heart of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposed 2024-25 education budget, which she announced Wednesday. Whitmer said her latest budget recommendation “builds on the historic investments we’ve made since I took office and delivers on the issues that make […]