Don’t forget to VOTE in next Tuesday’s primary election

Next Tuesday, Aug. 4, is Primary Election Day – don’t forget to vote, especially if you’re one of the 1 million Michiganders who have applied to vote from home but haven’t returned your ballot yet.

MEA has resources to help you at, including information about how to get an absentee ballot and a way to check your ballot status.

With our partners at BallotPower, MEA now offers a tool to make sure your absentee vote is counted.   Using BallotPower, you can look yourself up in the system and see when you applied for a ballot, when it was sent to you by your local clerk, and when your completed ballot was received to be counted.

If you haven’t applied to Vote from Home yet or you still need to return your completed ballot, there’s still time, but you should NOT rely on the mail to do so.  Please visit your local clerk in-person to receive and return ballots.  Information on your local clerk’s location and contact information is available at BallotPower as well – clerk’s offices should be open this Saturday prior to election day (contact them directly for hours.)

Of course, you can still vote in-person on Tuesday at your normal local polling location, which you can look up using the Michigan Voter Information Center.



MEA praises MI Senate’s legal action to rein in rising health care costs for educators and other public employees

The Michigan Education Association commended the Michigan Senate for standing up for educators after the Senate formally requested that a judge order the delivery of already-passed legislation to the governor for her signature. Among the nine bills the House has failed to present to the governor — despite having already passed both the House and […]