Governor releases 2025-26 budget recommendations

On Wednesday, Feb. 5, Governor Whitmer’s 2025-26 budget recommendations were presented to the Legislature.  This is the first step in the state budget process for the year, with the Republican-controlled House and Democratic-controlled Senate beginning work on their plans beginning later this spring.

Here are the highlights for the school aid and higher education budgets:

K-12 Education

  • 4.1% increase in base per-pupil funding—equating to an additional $392 per student, for a total of $10,000 per pupil.
  • 4.1% increase to ISD operational funding.
  • $202.4 million increase to special education funding – approximately a 10% increase in the state allocation from current levels.
  • 4.1% increase in funding to support academically “at-risk” students, English language learners, career and technical education students, and students in rural school districts.
  • Replaces one-time funding for per pupil mental health and safety grant with recurring revenue making the $150 million program ongoing.
  • $250 million to implement a new school accountability system called the Students, Metrics and Results with Transparency (SMART) plan.
  • $23 million to provide additional literacy coaches and more instructional time to implement literacy improvements through the science of reading and meet new dyslexia requirements.
  • $75 million to continue investments in the educator pipeline by providing a tuition-free route to becoming a teacher through the MI Future Educator Fellowship and Student Teacher Stipends.
  • $50 million for Grow-Your-Own programs to provide resources to school districts to help staff get the education and training they need to become certified teachers.

Higher Education & Workforce Development 

  •  4% ongoing increase for university and community college operations.
  • $50 million investment in the Postsecondary Scholarship Fund to continue fully phasing in costs of the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
  • $15 million for the College Success Fund, which supports public and private universities and community colleges to improve student support and completion efforts.

Stay tuned for more information from MEA about details on the Governor’s recommendations and Legislative action on the 2025-26 education budgets.  Contact MEA lobbyist Andy Neumann with questions about the appropriations process at

Related links:

Legislation Newsroom


Michigan ed leaders support lawsuit challenging cuts to federal special education services

In response to Thursday’s filing of a federal lawsuit from 21 attorneys general from across the nation challenging the dismantling of the U.S. Department of Education,  Michigan Education Association President and CEO Chandra Madafferi; AFT-Michigan President Terrence Martin; Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators Executive Director Tina Kerr; Michigan Association of School Boards Executive Director […]