MEA announces candidate recommendations in several Michigan Congressional races

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association announced Wednesday the following recommendations of candidates for Michigan Congressional districts:

  • 3rd District: Rep. Hillary Scholten
  • 6th District: Rep. Debbie Dingell
  • 7th District: Curtis Hertel Jr.
  • 10th District: Carl Marlinga
  • 11th District: Rep. Haley Stevens
  • 12th District: Rep. Rashida Tlaib
  • 13th District: Rep. Shri Thanedar

“MEA members at the local level have carefully chosen our recommended congressional candidates because each one of them has a proven track record of standing up for educators and working to ensure our schools have the resources they need to help students succeed,” said MEA President Chandra Madafferi, a teacher from Oakland County. “We look forward to partnering with these candidates and others running for office throughout Michigan as we work to strengthen our schools, colleges and universities and bring respect back to the education profession.”

All seven of the recommended congressional candidates were screened and recommended by committees comprised of MEA members from the districts. Scholten, Dingell, Stevens, Tlaib and Thanedar were eligible for continuing recommendations under MEA rules, as they are incumbents who were previously recommended in 2022.

These federal recommendations were then concurred by the board of the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education at its recent meeting in Washington, D.C.

Local committees are continuing to screen candidates in other congressional and state legislative districts, and further recommendations will be announced in the coming weeks and months.

As the state’s largest school employee union, MEA members — who live and work in every Michigan county — have a long history of political engagement and helping friends of public education win elections.

The NEA Fund for Children and Public Education provides direct financial support to candidates for president, the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate who will fight to support teachers, staff and students and improve public education.

For News Media Newsroom Political Action


Lansing union launches ‘LSEA Safe’ campaign

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