MEA President statement on Whitmer education budget proposal

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Contact: Doug Pratt, MEA Director of Public Affairs

MEA President statement on Whitmer education budget proposal 

 EAST LANSING —The following can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart regarding today’s education budget recommendations from Gov. Whitmer:

“While we have a long way to go to fully fund Michigan’s public schools, Gov. Whitmer proved again today that she’s committed to fixing this long-standing crisis.  Aside from this being the largest overall increase in 20 years, the governor remains committed to moving to a weighted funding system that is more equitable for students, especially those who need more support through special education, at-risk and English language learner programs.

“In particular, we’re excited to hear her plan to provide $250 to every public school teacher in Michigan to help defray the out-of-pocket costs being spent on basic classroom supplies.  When we fully fund our schools, we won’t need to worry about buying paper, pencils, highlighters and books on our own – but until that day comes, Michigan educators are happy that Gov. Whitmer has our back.”

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For details about the Governor’s education budget proposal, please see this writeup from the Detroit News.

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