Supporting Student Learning During the COVID-19 School Closures

Supporting Student Learning During the COVID-19 School Closures

The Michigan Education Association is here to our assist the students, parents, and educators of Michigan during this unique time.  As we gather resources to help educators and parents continue student learning, we will post them here.

Together, we can be Champions for Education during this unprecedented crisis.

The safety, health and well-being of our public school employees, students and families has emerged as a critical concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health is paramount in the current climate, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Virtual recently announced free mental health resources for students, families and educators.

April 9: Remote Teaching Guidance from MDE 

New distance learning guidelines have been issued by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), taking into account that 500,000 of the state’s 1.5 million students – one-third of the K-12 school population – do not have home internet access. Mostly teacher written, the document is designed to help district administrators and local union leaders who are required to negotiate and approve a Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) to provide students with learning opportunities while buildings are closed.
April 9: At-Home Enrichment Activities for Secondary Students
This list of resources has been compiled by our members for parents to use at home with secondary school students to enrich their learning during the school closure. (NOTE: MEA is not endorsing any particular website or program).

March 26: At-Home Resources for Elementary Students 

This list of resources has been compiled by our members for parents to use at home with elementary aged students (NOTE: MEA is not endorsing any particular website or program).

March 18: Herbart in Detroit News – In trying times, put students’ needs first

With parents across the state facing many challenges over the coming weeks, MEA President Paula Herbart offers resources for weathering the crisis in her latest “Labor Voices” column in The Detroit News.

“As jarring as this is for us as adults, we also must remember that this situation can be even scarier for a 10-year-old,” Herbart writes. “The changes we’re all facing have been swift to put it mildly, and our students had little to no time to process this with their teachers and other educators they’ve worked with all year.”

Among other suggestions, Herbart says parents can help by maintaining a routine, ensuring their children get adequate sleep, and accessing quality resources for at-home learning – noting that students who live in poverty and who have special needs will bear extra difficulties during the crisis.


March 17: Resources for Student Learning During Coronavirus School Closures 

Write up from MEA Voice Editor Brenda Ortega about resources available for parents, including addressing concerns about the digital divide.