Committee, Commission, Task Force Information
The MEA commissions, committees and task forces (CCTF) are advisory to the MEA Board of Directors. These groups annually receive charges from the Board of Directors, which are the focus of the year’s work. Typically these bodies meet in September, October and February.Membership on a commission is by election of the Representative Assembly or by appointment by the MEA vice president with the consent of the MEA Board of Directors. Members to committees and task forces are appointed by the MEA vice president with the consent of the MEA Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on one of the following groups, please complete the CCTF Application and mail it to: Office of the Vice President, Michigan Education Association, PO Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573.
For more information please read the Committees, Commissions & Task Forces (CCTF) Manual
Committees, Commissions & Task Forces (CCTF) Flyer
Committees, Commissions & Task Forces (CCTF) Manual
- To assist with the function of the organization;
- To advise MEA or its sister companies; and
- Increase or maintain membership.
Charge: To help ensure that the education of our students and the working environments of our members are of the highest quality.
Standing Committees and Schedules
MEA Representative Assembly Committees
Meet at each Representative Assembly (RA), may have conference calls leading up to the RA
The Credentials Committee shall consist of seven (7) members and shall include at least two (2) MEA Board members (appointed). Must be MEA RA delegate. Responsible for the accreditation of delegates and alternates at the meetings of the RA. The decision of the Credentials Committee shall be final unless overruled by the RA. It will hear appeals from local associations on RA delegate seating loss if the Dues Transmittal Policy and Minority 3-1(g) representation are not adhered to and will consider appeals from locals that do not comply with Minority 3-1(g) representation requirements at the region level as stipulated in a region’s bylaws. Members of the Credentials Committee are required to be RA delegates.
Meet at each RA
The Elections Committee shall consist of nine (9) members. All members shall be responsible for the election and campaign process as stipulated in Appendix A* (appointed). Must be MEA RA delegate. Responsible for overseeing and enforcing MEA election procedures and conducting elections held at the RA.
Meet at each RA, once in the summer to review Resolutions, Goals and Objectives, Platform
The Resolutions Committee shall consist of ten (10) members as provided in the MEA Bylaws, VII.F (appointed). Must be MEA RA delegate. Facilitates the functioning of the RA by receiving all proposals from delegates and determining which are new business items, resolutions or budget items. It will also work in conjunction with the NEA Resolutions Committee members from Michigan to assure compatibility of NEA and MEA resolutions and develop local capacity by the identification and development of resolutions that may be needed to support locals.
NEA Representative Assembly Committee
Meet at each RA in summer to review Resolutions, Goals and Objectives, Platform, as well as one additional virtual meeting in the winter
Must be NEA RA delegate, can serve only six (6) years, correlates to the number of NEA Directors (elected at NEA RA each year). Prepare and present to the NEA RA proposed resolutions for adoption as specified in NEA RA Standing Rule 10.
Meets prior and during the NEA RA
Must be NEA RA delegate. Appointed at the discretion of the president according to specific groups. An advisory group that meets prior to and during the RA that advises the delegation on new business items, elections, NEA standing rules and constitution and bylaw amendments. This group is appointed by the MEA president, with the exception of a NEA Director and the MAHE-appointed representative.
Organizational Commissions & Committees of MEA
Meets as needed
The president of the Association, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, shall appoint by September 1 of each year one (1) judge for a five (5) year term (appointed).The judicial powers of the Association are vested in the Board of Reference.
Once per year in June
Consists of the Executive Committee members including the officers and executive director, elected members and NEA directors. Elected at the July MEA Board organizational meeting. Annually review the ongoing MEA five-year plan and make recommendations to the Board of Directors as necessary. The LRPC will also help develop local capacity by the identification and development of policies and strategies that will enhance the long-term viability of our MEA regions, MABOs and locals.
Six times per year (usually Jan., April, June, July, Sept., and Nov.
Staggered 2 year terms. Elected at the July MEA Board organizational meeting. Per Article X of the Constitution, the Executive Committee shall be the ad interim committee of the Board of Directors and shall be composed of the president, vice president and the secretary-treasurer of the Association and six (6) members elected by the Board of Directors from within its own membership for terms of two (2) years, provided that the terms of not more than three (3) of the elected members shall expire at the same time. The immediate past president of the MEA/NEA shall be a member of the Executive Committee for the first year after completing the term of president. The president shall act as chairperson of the Executive Committee. All members of the Executive Committee, except the immediate past president, shall have voting power. All proceedings of the Executive Committee shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall have original jurisdiction over all disputes arising under the Crisis Assistance Program and charges or other proceedings relating to the discipline of members who continue in active employment during the course of a labor dispute where the withdrawal of services by other members has occurred. The Executive Committee shall have original and only jurisdiction over all disputes arising under alleged violations of the duty of fair representation. The Executive Committee shall administer such other functions as may be approved by the Board of Directors.
Night before Board meeting (usually Jan./Feb., April/May, July, Oct., and Dec.)
Sub-committee of Board of Directors (appointed). Develop recommendations to facilitate the development of new MABOs and increased support for existing MABOs. Explore and recommend proactive bargaining strategies for local bargaining tables to improve the learning conditions of students and the wages, hours and working conditions of all members. Develop local capacity by the identification and development of bargaining skills and strategies to strengthen capacity in the negotiations process.
Every other year (odd). Legislative Priorities is for two years and presented to the Jan./Feb. MEA Board of Directors of even year
Six (6) RA elected/staggered terms/two (2) consecutive three (3) year term (elected). This commission meets regularly every other year to prepare and present a two-year legislative package (fall of even years). Helps develop local capacity by the identification and development of strategies that help locals increase member participation in the legislative process at the local and state level.
Meets as needed
Six (6) RA elected/staggered terms/two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms (elected). Review the size and composition of coordinating councils and make recommendations for change to ensure quality of service. To monitor the structure, role and function of the local affiliates of the Association to ensure quality service.
Political Action Committees
Once per year (usually April or May)
Board members are appointed at the Summer Leadership Conference. There are hundreds of MEA-PAC Council members and that information is maintained by the assistant to the department (appointed) (see MEA-PAC Policies and Procedures).
Once per year, typically one month prior to the council meeting
Two (2) year term (appointed). Help develop local capacity by the identification and development of strategies that help locals increase member participation in PAC.
As needed over the course of a two-year cycle
(Appointed) Screen candidates for statewide political office and make recommendations as necessary.
Administrative Committees
MEA Administrative
Two times per year, subcommittees as necessary. Subcommittees scheduled as needed.
Subcommittees are two (2) year terms (appointed). Make recommendations as necessary to the Board of Directors regarding communications at the state and local levels relative to MEA publications, internal and external relations, including membership and organizational public relations. The committee will also collaborate with other educational associations where possible to develop meaningful educational public relations programs. When appropriate and necessary, the following subcommittees will be formed to help carry out the duties of the Communications Committee:
Media: MEA is routinely asked by reporters to talk with educators on the front lines to get first-person reactions for stories. This subcommittee will serve as those interview subjects and/or help to find other members to make their voices heard in the media. This group will also help with “rapid response” activities like letters to the editor and/or opinion pieces to be submitted to media outlets.
Digital: Ensuring MEA content on social media is shared on a regular basis is essential, as is having a group of informed and engaged members ready to set the record straight in online comments. This group will monitor and engage with MEA online, spreading content through its networks and, when internet “trolls” and “bots” attack, will strategically respond to spread accurate information.
Two or three times per year, as needed
Managed by the secretary-treasurer, two (2) elected positions at MEA Board of Directors July organizational meeting (elected and appointed). Responsible for the development, creation and presentation of the proposed Association budget.
As needed
(Appointed) Oversee and review administration of the fund to allocate assets of the fund, to review the fund annually and to recommend guidelines modifications, as necessary. Responsible for the administration of the Emergency Fund.
Five times per year (night before MEA Board meetings)
(Appointed) Draft amendments as requested by the MEA president or MEA Board of Directors and monitor local constitutions and bylaws and recommend appropriate changes.
Meet before and after conferences, as needed
(Appointed) Assist staff with planning the Summer Leadership Conference and MEA’s Winter Conference as well as advise on other MEA conferences as appropriate.
One time per year, as needed
(Appointed) Plan an awards banquet or an event where applicants are honored. The following are awards that MEA has presented in the past. Not all awards need to be given at any one time. Awards may be given on an annual, bi-annual, or for any reason granted by the committee. Awards may be given at any MEA event as deemed appropriate by the committee.
- Educational Excellence
- Gender Equity
- Migrant Education
- Multicultural Education
- Irma Ramos Bilingual Education
- Anne Sullivan Education and Support of Persons with Disabilities
- Herman W. Coleman Human Rights Awards
- Connie Jackson Human Rights Award
- David McMahon Human Rights Award
- Elizabeth Siddall Human Rights Award
- Maurine Wyatt Feminist Award
- Distinguished Service Award
Two subcommittees may be formed to handle this task, one to plan the event or events and the other to select the recipients.
One or two times a year, as needed
(Appointed) Review anti-privatization strategies and provide, at least semi-annually, recommendations to the Board. This is an ESP-run committee.
Note: Per Board action April 24, 2008⸻make-up of this committee is the ESP privatization task force and four members from the Board of Directors (one higher education and three EA).
Program Committees
One or two times a year, as needed regionally
This subcommittee will work to gain lifelong MEA members by supporting the transition from college to professional staff through union-led initiatives and advocacy. The committee will support the creation and organization of interns/student teachers and Michigan New Educators (MiNE), our early career educator group, by promoting membership, supporting the MiNE program, and supporting staff and members in initiatives related to these groups. Charge will be finalized at first committee meeting as well as any subcommittees for the year.
No amount of required meetings, has one meeting
(Appointed) This committee will:
- Assist staff with the planning, organization and evaluation of competitions and conferences for aspiring educators.
- Recommend strategies and assist in the recruitment of minority and under-represented members.
- Provide support for the creation, organization, successful operation, and growth of local student organizations at the high school level and on college and university campuses, as needed.
- Promote the Aspiring Educators of Michigan (AEM) program.
- Help develop local capacity to enhance the long-term viability of aspiring educators and the promotion, expansion and growth of chapters.
One or two times a year, as needed
(Appointed) Social justice refers to a concept in which equity or justice is achieved in every aspect of society rather than in only some aspects or for some people. A world organized around social justice principles affords individuals and groups fair treatment as well as an impartial share or distribution of the advantages and disadvantages within a society.
Social justice includes a vision of a society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. Social justice involves social actors who have a sense of their own agency as well as a sense of social responsibility toward and with others and the society as a whole. (From NEA)
Charge will be finalized at first committee meeting as well as any subcommittees for the year.
One or two times a year, as needed
(Appointed) Charge will be finalized at first committee as well as any subcommittees for the year.
One time per year, day of MEA/MAEA Art Show
(Appointed) Provide visual evidence of the caliber of art produced by artist-educators in Michigan. To carry out the objective, a purchase prize exhibition is held annually at the MEA Headquarters Building. Design a plan for the purchase and display of artworks (by MEA members) in the MEA Headquarters and UniServ offices throughout the state and open the MEA headquarters.
Advisory Boards
Five times per year (most in conjunction with MEA Board)
Two (2) year terms, appointed by the president
Four times per year
No more than two (2) three (3) year terms
Four times per year
Five (5) year term as MEA Board members, alternate one (1) year
One time per year plus organizing Golf Outing (MEA-Retired volunteers read applications for approximately five days usually in March)
Seven (7) total members, (term limited) two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms: two (2) non-MEA members, three (3) members or staff not on the MEA or NEA Boards, 2 MEA Board members Annually review scholarship applications and select awardees together with the amount of the annual scholarship.
Note: There is one standing member from the PTA on this committee. This person is not an MEA member.