Follow Snow Day, Teacher Evaluation Bills

HB 4206 to permanently waive days that schools are closed during a state of emergency declared by the governor got a hearing today in the House Education Committee. The bill could get voted on by the committee next week. Read more about the legislation.

HB 4221 to return the percentage of an educator’s annual evaluation that is tied to student growth measures to 25 percent from 40 percent is expected to get a hearing in the House Education Committee next week. Read more about the legislation. Please take time today to contact your lawmakers and urge them to pass this long overdue legislation.


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New report shows Michigan lagging on educator salaries

As Michigan’s budget process enters the final stretch, lawmakers must maintain our state’s momentum by passing an education budget that prioritizes increasing educator compensation so we can provide every student with trained, qualified and caring school employees. Thanks to the bipartisan support from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Legislature, Michigan has passed record levels of […]