Aspiring Educators of Michigan
The Aspiring Educators of Michigan (AEM) is a preprofessional organization for people preparing for the teaching profession in any of the higher education institutions in Michigan and who are not regularly employed as educators by an educational institution or agency. Local chapters at Michigan campuses improve networking amongst aspiring educators and expose members to professional learning opportunities and service projects that help prepare college students for fulfilling careers in education.
Presidential Nominees:
Emma Bell
Jill Grubb
Max Seidel
Anna Theune
Vice Presidential Nominees
Lilly Kyro
Secretary/Treasurer Nominees
McKenna Shelide
Lindsey Springer
Michigan is offering student teacher stipends to eligible interns. Apply here. Additional information is available here.
Considering a career in education. Check out Michigan educator fellowship grants. Information available here.
Looking for resources?
Part of your AEM membership entitles you to $1 million in professional liability coverage and offers other legal services such as will writing, consulting, etc. This coverage, provided by our Educators Employment Liability Program, protects you every time you step into a classroom!
Did you know that when you get your first job, as a first year educator and member of MEA, you qualify for a rebate of your student membership dues from when you were in college? As a member of Aspiring Educators of Michigan you are also a member of NEA and you can receive $20 from NEA for every year you were part of the AEM Program (for up to 4 years). For example, if you were a student member for 2 years, you would receive $40 back in dues from the NEA! This must be for the first year you are teaching or working as a support staff member in a public school system in order to qualify for the rebate.
AEM Contact Information:
If you are interested in establishing an AEM chapter on your campus, you may contact:
Annette Christiansen
AEM Program
1216 Kendale Blvd.
East Lansing, MI 48823
800-292-1934 Ext. 6262
For questions about AEM call 800-292-1934 ext. 6262 or email