MEA statement on Senate’s passage of educator retention bill lowering health care costs

The following statement can be attributed to Michigan Education Association President and CEO Chandra Madafferi, a teacher from Oakland County, in response to the Michigan Senate’s passage of House Bill 6058: “The Michigan Education Association applauds the Senate for passing House Bill 6058, which will help keep the best and brightest educators working in our […]

Michigan Education Association hails House passage of bill lowering health care cost for educators

The following statement can be attributed to Michigan Education Association President and CEO Chandra Madafferi, a teacher from Oakland County, in response to the state House’s passage of House Bill 6058 and the Senate’s approval of Senate Bills 1129 and 1130: “By taking swift action on this critical issue, the legislators have taken a critical […]

Aides, custodians join Petoskey union

When Ron Furgeson first joined Petoskey Schools as a custodian nearly 30 years ago, he subbed on nights for nearly a year before a longtime employee retired and he took that coveted permanent spot—allowing him to leave his factory job for a full-time role that felt more meaningful. At the time district custodians earned good […]

It’s our time to carry water

By Deborah Robertson and Kiarra Whitelow Harper Woods School District If the opposite of divided is unified, then labor unions have a lot of work to do in the wake of the presidential election. Please understand, we are not here to cast blame or minimize disappointment at the outcome. We simply refuse to grant our […]

THE FUTURE IS NOW: MI Evaluations are new

After many years under a punitive teacher evaluation system, Michigan educators got back the right to bargain the subject in 2024. MEA staff and union bargaining teams have worked tirelessly to negotiate local improvements and ensure districts are following the new law. Read your collective bargaining agreement for specifics of your district’s evaluation system, but […]