Together We Can Seize this Moment

Editor’s Note: Much has been written about educator demoralization in Michigan and across the country. Politicians have simultaneously cut education funding while increasing demands on schools and educators. The resulting effects have led to growing staffing difficulties, from K-12 teachers, to bus drivers, paraeducators, and higher education faculty. Declining pay and benefits. Large class sizes. […]

Backdoor Voucher Plan Reappears

A backdoor voucher plan that failed to pass in the wild Lame Duck legislative session in December has reappeared in a pair of House Bills that got a hearing in the House Education Committee this week. HB 4626 and 4627, first introduced by term-limited Rep. Tim Kelly (R-Saginaw) last year, would create a new type […]

Are You Ready to Rally?

Now that we’ve seen all three state budget plans, it’s time to rally support for the one that provides students and educators the supports they need—Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposal to make a historic reinvestment in public education.

The Budget Battle Begins

As spring heads into summer, state budget negotiations will heat up along with the weather—especially given big differences between the education priorities of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican leaders in the state House and Senate.

#RedForEd Reality Checks – Ideas, talking points and more

Michigan educators must organize opportunities to share their stories in their communities and shine a light on why public education needs increased education funding. Get the background you need to make your voice heard through a #RedForEd Reality Check, including background research, ideas for events, talking points and more. Most importantly, be sure to share […]