Launch Michigan educator survey results show causes and potential solutions to educator shortage

With educator shortages crippling the state’s K–12 workforce and impacting learning opportunities for students, Launch Michigan today released the findings of a statewide survey of more than 5,000 public school teachers and other professionals. The findings shed light on many of the reasons why Michigan educators are leaving the profession. Launch Michigan, a partnership of business, […]

Labor Voices: Educators must fight for student equity, social justice

The concept of social justice – and addressing injustice – has always been essential in public education. In the past year, it’s taken on new weight for students, however, as the global pandemic both exposed and exacerbated the injustices faced for decades by many low-income and students of color. Educators have an obligation to fight […]

MEA President statement on Whitmer K-12 funding recommendations with additional state revenue

EAST LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart in response to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposals for how to use additional state revenue to fund public education: “Gov. Whitmer’s recommendations are in line with the new MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery, which heeded the voices of frontline educators about what’s […]

Labor Voices: Michigan must face educator shortage after COVID-19

Amid our life-and-death fight against COVID-19, we must prepare to wage another high-stakes battle against a dire crisis that is worsening in its wake: the educator shortage. Ask school administrators and they’ll share their struggles to find enough teachers for every classroom. Similarly, there are fewer applicants for counselors, bus drivers, paraprofessionals and other education staff. A complete return […]

Recruit. Respect. Retain. MEA launches Michigan Educator Project to hear from front lines about educator shortage

EAST LANSING — With media coverage continuing to focus on Michigan's educator shortage, MEA has launched so the public can hear directly from front-line teachers and other education employees about what's driving the crisis. “Recruit. Respect. Retain.” Under that banner, the new site includes videos from educators – recorded both before and during the pandemic [...]

MEA President statement on latest GOP in-person learning demands for pandemic funds

MEA launches to lookup federal funds pending by school district, contact lawmakers urging immediate distribution EAST LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart on the House Republican proposal in this morning’s Appropriations Committee meeting to tie further COVID relief funds to a demand for 20 hours per week [...]

48 outstanding public school students awarded 2021 MEA Scholarship

EAST LANSING, Mich., April 23, 2021 — The Michigan Education Association today announced the recipients of the 2021 MEA Scholarships, honoring exemplary public school students from across the state who will be attending a Michigan public university next fall. Among the 444 applications submitted for scholarship awards this year, the MEA Scholarship Fund Trustees chose […]