MEA testimony urges flexibility in high school Merit Curriculum

Testimony continued Tuesday in the Senate Education Committee on legislation meant to provide local flexibility to the Michigan Merit Curriculum. MEA submitted written testimony about SB 600-601, supporting the direction of the bills to provide greater flexibility for districts to design high school requirements that meet the needs of their communities and their students at the […]

Big Education Issues on Horizon in Lansing

The ongoing budget battle between Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and GOP legislative leaders has taken up much of the oxygen in Lansing lately, but several other key issues are bubbling up to the surface at the Capitol. MEA lobbyists expect members will need to engage on legislation that has been introduced or will soon appear related […]

Tell Lansing to finish funding schools for this year

After nearly a month of stop-and-start discussions between the Governor’s office and the Legislature, schools are still without critical funding needed for this current school year. MEA members need to contact all our lawmakers and urge them to reach agreement on supplemental budget bills that fund priorities that were cut last month because of the lack […]

MEA President statement on education line-item vetoes

EAST LANSING —The following can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart regarding the education budget signed into law by Gov. Whitmer, along with her line-item vetoes “Aside from the pet projects and vendor contracts Gov. Whitmer line-item vetoed, there are meaningful education programs and initiatives that were also cut. Those are tough choices to […]

FY 2020 Education Budget Highlights

Updated Oct. 1, 2019 After revisions negotiated in the State House, the House and Senate passed the 2019-20 School Aid Budget (HB 4242) and sent it to the Governor’s desk on Thursday, Sept. 19. The Legislature’s budget called for a total of $15.23 billion in preK-12 spending.  This is a 2.7% fund increase over FY […]

Opinion: Direct funds to needy students

September 18, 2019 By PAULA HERBART/President – Michigan Education Association We often hear politicians say, “It’s about the kids,” and, “The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” If they truly believe that, they need to craft a state education budget that recognizes a simple fact: Not all students are the same. Unfortunately, the Republican education […]