It’s our time to carry water

By Deborah Robertson and Kiarra Whitelow Harper Woods School District If the opposite of divided is unified, then labor unions have a lot of work to do in the wake of the presidential election. Please understand, we are not here to cast blame or minimize disappointment at the outcome. We simply refuse to grant our […]

THE FUTURE IS NOW: MI Evaluations are new

After many years under a punitive teacher evaluation system, Michigan educators got back the right to bargain the subject in 2024. MEA staff and union bargaining teams have worked tirelessly to negotiate local improvements and ensure districts are following the new law. Read your collective bargaining agreement for specifics of your district’s evaluation system, but […]

Letter to Members: We must unite as educators

Michigan educators, no matter our political beliefs as individual citizens, are united by our shared devotion to our students and our commitment to providing them with the education they need to learn, grow and thrive. Regardless of the results of any single election, the educators who comprise the Michigan Education Association will continue working tirelessly [...]