MEA Advocates Temporary Remote Learning for All Grades

With yesterday’s announcement  that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will require all high schools and colleges in the state to remain in a virtual format through Dec. 20, MEA continues to advocate for the order to also include K-8 schools. “While in-person learning is optimal and remains our end goal, right now we […]

MEA Book Studies Tackle Timely Yet Difficult Topics: Racism, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor When Dawn Weaver facilitates trainings or discussions around race, she talks with educators about the importance of creating “windows and mirrors” in their classroom practice. “I’ve always tried to have representation—not just for African-American students but any marginalized individuals—and make sure that everybody in my class is seeing themselves and seeing […]

Lame Duck Legislature to Begin Meeting This Week

The Michigan Legislature’s “lame duck” session begins this week, with the next three weeks of session leading up to the end of the year when all unpassed bills expire and a new legislature is seated in January with newly elected lawmakers. Many expect this year’s lame duck to be relatively quiet (including public comments from […]

Majority of 4,700 MEA Members Surveyed Concerned About Safe Return to In-Person Learning

Educators want to be part of the decision-making process, solution EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association today released a statewide online survey of more than 4,700 educators with findings related to COVID-19’s continued impact on public education. The survey found a vast majority of educators are concerned about a full return to in-person learning as cases […]

Regarding Gov. Whitmer’s announcement of new steps to contain COVID-19

A message from the MEA President about efforts to keep students and school employees safe MEA members, This evening, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced new restrictions across Michigan to fight the growing COVID-19 outbreak. While difficult, these steps are necessary to stop the spread of this virus and save lives. Relative to schools, the governor announced […]