Rochester Teachers Shop Free Union Store

First-year educator Stephanie Connell briefly paused and held her head in her hands to contain the overwhelm she felt while shopping in the New Teacher Store at Rochester Community Schools last Friday. The high school English teacher and brand new MEA member was allowed to take whatever she wanted for free from a room crowded […]

MEA Highlights Unsettled School Employee Contracts

Collective bargaining in school districts around the state has been hampered by the Legislature’s failure to pass an education budget before leaving for summer break, MEA President Paula Herbart said this week. As of Tuesday afternoon, there were 157 unsettled contracts among MEA-affiliated locals across the state. “For the first time this decade, the Legislature […]

Herbart Slams Pensions for Potholes Schemes

MEA President Paula Herbart used her monthly “Labor Voices” column in The Detroit News to slam various schemes being floated by Republican leaders in the Legislature to bond, restructure, or reamortize the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System. A pension is a promise of a secure retirement, she writes, but too often in Lansing pensions […]

Educator Code of Ethics Approved

An updated Michigan Code of Educational Ethics has been approved by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to guide local policy and decision-making beginning this school year. Adapted from a model code developed by a national panel of practicing teachers and administrators, Michigan’s document covers a range of expectations such as integrity in instruction, maintaining […]

Higher Education Conference

The MEA Higher Education Conference is one of the great benefits that MEA provides for its higher education members – both faculty and support staff. The sessions for the conference are developed by the MAHE Board and include sessions designed for new leaders as well as on the topics of Advocacy, Unionism and Instruction. There [...]

Educator-Turned-Lawmaker Says You Can Too

Serving as a state representative isn’t much different from being an elementary school teacher, according to educator-turned-lawmaker Lori Stone (D-Warren), who told her story to attendees at MEA’s Summer Conference last week. The 14-year classroom veteran and MEA member said every legislative session starts with the pledge of allegiance. Seats are assigned. “And I still […]