Despite bipartisan support, legislation stalled on school employee pay and forgiveness for closure days

Michigan lawmakers adjourned last night without taking action to ensure all school employees get paid during this statewide school closure caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, despite bipartisan support and joint appeals from varied education organizations and educators across the state.

Leaders from both the labor and management sides of the education community had worked together to find a legislative solution to ensure all school employees continue to be paid during the crisis.

After Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) adjourned late last night without acting on a solution, a joint statement was issued by MEA, AFT Michigan, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators (MASA) and Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB).

“We had significant, bipartisan support for our approach developed over days of conversations with lawmakers — something we greatly appreciate,” the joint statement said. “We believe the majority of legislators want to deliver whatever level of certainty they can to students, parents, school employees and district leaders.”

The joint statement called for Shirkey to reconvene as soon as possible to enact a solution. Contact your state legislators to press for the bipartisan solution supported by school leaders. After you’ve sent the letter, follow up with a phone call to your representative and senator.

“Leaving a bipartisan solution to an immediate problem on the table during a time of crisis is not in anyone’s best interests,” the statement said. “We call on Sen. Shirkey to reconvene the Senate and address these issues for school employees and districts. They deserve nothing less, given the immense efforts overtaken since last Friday to continue engaging students in learning where possible and to ensure meals and other critical supports continue to flow to our students with the greatest need.”

The goal of any legislative action would be to provide certainty for school leaders and employees around days and hours requirements for the current statewide closure ordered by the governor and requiring all staff to be paid during the closure. “These issues are interlinked and must be tackled together to address the needs of employees and districts, knowing that we will need to address the long-term needs of students when we know how long this crisis will last,” the statement said.

Nearly 6,000 letters appealing for passage of the bill were sent to lawmakers yesterday through MEA’s Action Network page  in the space of a few hours.

Sen. Dayna Polehanki (D-Livonia), an educator elected in 2018, condemned the lack of action on social media, writing:

“EDUCATORS LEFT IN LIMBO BY REPUBLICAN MAJORITY: Despite a marathon MI senate session yesterday, there was no action on providing certainty around pay and days/hours requirements for all school employees due to #COVID19 shutdown. Adjourning without action is not acceptable. #miched #mileg

coronavirus Legislation Newsroom

17 thoughts on “Despite bipartisan support, legislation stalled on school employee pay and forgiveness for closure days

  1. He should and will be held accountable. Oh yeah, which yacht is ”Betsy” hiding on ??

  2. Please enact legislation that ensures school employees are paid during this covid-19 crisis. Teachers are working regular school hours to provide lessons for students and are in constant communication with parents, students and co-workers. I am continuing my curriculum as if I was in school with students. With the work we will be putting in from home during this crisis, we should not need to be extended far into the summer to make up days lost due to this crisis to get to the total 180 required days in school. Additionally, hourly school employees should also not be hurt by this crisis. They should continue being paid for the work they would be doing during this time. The money is already in school budgets, so there would be no need for additional funding. Please do what is right for some of your hardest working constituents.

  3. Dear Michigan Law Maker. Please see the need to be fair and equitable to all school districts around the state. Please call for, and vote for, a referendum that allows these school days missed, due to COVID 19 and protective actions taken by our legislators, to be forgiven. Teachers in our Grand Haven Public Schools district are still teaching our students as best we can by using online resources, and these students are still being held accountable for their learning. Families will not support additional 3+ weeks of school days in the summer. Thank you

    1. Dear responsible lawmakers, why would you cause additional undue stress on families and working people during a crisis time like this? I can’t understand how you could be so inconsiderate at a time like this. Don’t you think we need to pay our bills keep the heat on and keep a roof over our had just as much as anybody else? Not to mention we are working diligently from home to learn and understand this online learning process. Please Do what is right so we may all move forward and work together for greater success which will allow us to focus on the students not our own survival.

  4. We are working/teaching around the clock to maintain learning in our classrooms. We deserve to be paid during this closure as any other worker is too.

  5. It is in the best interest to all to continue to pay educators during this crisis. They have been working to provide online enrichment activities as well as working to provide food assistance. They are ready and willing to provide any necessary support to help community members through this crisis.

  6. It’s amazing to think that paying school employees during this time of crisis is even a question.

  7. Teachers deserve to be respected as a backbone to our communities. Please pay our teachers. It would be a disgrace not to!
    Or is this going to be another political game?

    1. Dear responsible lawmakers, why would you cause additional undue stress on families and working people during a crisis time like this? I can’t understand how you could be so inconsiderate at a time like this. Don’t you think we need to pay our bills keep the heat on and keep a roof over our had just as much as anybody else? Not to mention we are working diligently from home to learn and understand this online learning process. Please Do what is right so we may all move forward and work together for greater success which will allow us to focus on the students not our own survival.

  8. I am not a teacher but have friends in the community that are. They are working all day and into the evening communicating with students and parents. I’ve been a republican for many years but l will start voting for representatives that support what their voters want. I don’t want a DeVos/Shirkey puppet. Stand up and do the right thing. That is what we pay you for.

  9. It is in the best interest to all to continue to pay educators during this crisis. They have been working to provide online enrichment activities as well as working to provide food assistance. They are ready and willing to provide any necessary support to help community members through this crisis.

  10. These are tough times. Amid them, myself and countless educators and support staff is continuing a critical task; keeping our students, their families connected. We are often the first to receive cuts and the last to give in. Please provide the support we need to extend our work.

  11. Please enact legislation that ensures school employees are paid during this covid-19 crisis. Teachers are working regular school hours to provide lessons for students and are in constant communication with parents, students and co-workers. They have been working to provide online enrichment activities as well as working to provide food assistance. Teachers and staff are ready and willing to provide any necessary support to help community members through this crisis. Please do the right thing for these people!!

  12. Dear Senator Shirkey,
    Now is the time to step up and be the leader you were voted into office for. Please care about your fellow citizens. Our public education needs your help during this crisis. This is no ones fault but it is everyone’s responsibility to help with the solutions. Yours especially for you are in a leadership role. Please ignore partisanship and staunchly step forward and help our children and their teachers and workers that touch their lives everyday. Do the right thing and pass all bills that help all citizens of our Great State!

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