Don’t forget to Vote (From Home) in Tuesday’s elections

This coming Tuesday, May 5, many Michigan communities have municipal and school elections scheduled, including several important millage and bond measures.  In light of the public health crisis, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent every voter in the May election an Absent Voter Ballot Application to ensure people stay healthy while exercising their right to vote.  Please remember to cast your ballot by returning it to your local clerk by Tuesday – if you still need an absentee ballot, you can visit to get an application you can take to your local clerk to get a ballot.



ICYMI: House GOP passes budget proposing 25% cut to schools

Within minutes of being unveiled last week, House Republicans passed a budget proposal that would cut $5 billion from public education – a loss of almost 25% compared to the current year. According to House Speaker Matt Hall (R-Richland Twp), the bill is meant to keep essential services going during a potential state government shutdown […]