Earn SCECHs for Completing Survey on Third Grade Reading Law

The Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC) research team at Michigan State University has launched their year two Read by Grade Three survey, which is now open to K-5 teachers and literacy coaches or interventionists/specialists.

Any eligible participant who completes the approximately 25-minute survey will be awarded 5 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) and will be automatically entered for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Participation is voluntary, and all survey responses will be kept strictly confidential. Your Personal Identification Code (PIC) is needed to complete the survey and be awarded SCECHs.

Last year, more than 17,000 teachers responded to EPIC’s year one Read by Grade Three survey and the responses were used extensively in their report on the findings. This report is now being used by policy makers and practitioners as they grapple with the tremendous challenges of this school year and the future of the Read by Grade Three Law.

Direct questions about the survey to EPICrbg3@msu.edu.

Professional Development


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