Educators have a powerful, trusted voice — so let’s use it!

Despite what some far-right politicians and cable news talking heads might want you to believe, the public trusts educators more than just about anyone else — and that’s why educators should stand up and make their voices heard.

According to Gallup’s annual Honesty and Ethics of Professions survey, educators rank No. 3 on the list of most-trusted professions, just behind nurses and doctors. In fact, educators are trusted at least 600% more than the very politicians trying to disparage them.

MEA members should use that massive reputational advantage and push back against the small (but glaringly loud) minority of people attacking public school educators.

That’s exactly what Leah Porter, Michigan’s Teacher of the Year, is doing via her advocacy before the state Legislature and in the news media. In a recent Detroit Free Press guest column, Porter, who teaches in Holt Public Schools, outlines a number of reforms the Legislature should enact immediately to provide much-needed relief to educators.

“We have all heard many times these past few years, including from state legislators, about the importance of supporting teachers and students — yet spring is here, and we still have no real relief in sight. The Legislature’s failure to act suggests to educators that the urgent issues in our neighborhood schools are being ignored by those in power.”


“We are at a tipping point. There has never been a more critical time to support our educators and their students. Lip service is not enough. If the Legislature fails to act soon, Michigan children now and into the future will be irreparably harmed.”

Meanwhile, South Lyon Community Schools teacher Keith Kindred recently submitted an audio essay to Michigan Radio asking educators, parents and allies to make their voices heard in the face of growing political attacks against public education. Addressing the vast majority of the population who support their public schools but let a miniscule minority of extremists dominate the conversation, Kindred pleads:

“Our society needs you to go further. Show up at a school board meeting and speak during the public comments section about your support for an honest look at our nation’s history, not a whitewashed one, pun very much intended. Email your child’s teachers and let them know you support their efforts to promote civil discourse. And most of all, when you hear people espouse extremist points of view, at the very least, tell them you don’t agree with such talk.”

Parents are heeding that call and speaking up too, such as Forest Hills’ Becky Olson in a recent Bridge Michigan opinion piece, “Michigan schools aren’t failing our kids, but divisive politicians are,” saying in part:

“We must bring a stop to the division and manufactured crises being raised to generate attention for these initiatives and reverse the harmful trend of using public schools as the scapegoat for ‘failing’ our kids.”


“To repair the torn fabric of our communities, politicians must drop the divisive bills inspired by the not-so-transparent talking points and tactics of the voucher movement. Our public schools are incredibly productive spaces that are doing amazing things for Michigan kids. We can rebuild the shared pride in our schools again.”


GOP lawmaker seeking educator input

At a House subcommittee meeting last month, Rep. Brad Paquette, a Niles Republican and chair of the School Aid Appropriations Subcommittee, called for teachers and other school employees to share their thoughts with the committee about what is driving people from the education profession – especially younger educators.

Please make your voice heard and share your thoughts with Paquette and his colleagues here.


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2 thoughts on “Educators have a powerful, trusted voice — so let’s use it!

  1. This is so strange to read, I have been using my dues paying voice to advocate againt the failed leadership of the MEA….we openly advocated to NOT open schools for f2f instruction when our students needed us the most, now we have a unprecedented mental health crisis in our schools caused by us..
    And yet, every comment I HAVE posted with my disagreement with the MEA, has been deleted, and or ignored. I do not agree with the politics of the MEA and they should have remained neutral in their advocacy instead they openly attack the parent groups (ones I belong too) because these parents wanted to be heard about their concerns. I am disappointed in the MEA Leadedship I feel that there should be a recall. I read in our bylaws we only need 15% of the mmebership to start a recall. I do not agree with the direction we have taken. I will keep repeating this message as long as I continue to pay dues.

  2. Educators continue to be expected to do more with less support. The pandemic has impacted our society’s mental health in so many ways that have huge implications in the classroom. We cannot expect children of any ages to be ready to learn when they are worried about their day to day stability. Parents need to work with teachers to support their students mental health needs not battle against them. Smaller class sizes and more mental health specialists would be a great place to start supporting students, teachers and families.

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MEA praises MI Senate’s legal action to rein in rising health care costs for educators and other public employees

The Michigan Education Association commended the Michigan Senate for standing up for educators after the Senate formally requested that a judge order the delivery of already-passed legislation to the governor for her signature. Among the nine bills the House has failed to present to the governor — despite having already passed both the House and […]