Escanaba MEA member named Michigan Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to MEA member Nanette Hanson, a first-grade teacher in Escanaba Area Public Schools, for being named Wednesday as Michigan Teacher of the Year for 2022-23.
Hanson teaches at Lemmer Elementary School and will be entering her 26th year of teaching this fall.
“Nanette is a life-changing educator who has been serving her community for 26 years and counting,” Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement. “We are thrilled to honor Nanette as Michigan’s 2022-23 Teacher of the Year and grateful to educators across Michigan who consistently go above and beyond for their kids.”
Whitmer noted that Hanson works to create a space for students to “have the freedom to be themselves and be celebrated for all that they are.”
“We will continue making historic education investments to build on the work teachers like Nanette do every day to uplift their students,” Whitmer said.
The Michigan Department of Education engaged in a competitive process that began last fall with more than 275 teachers being nominated for the award. Last month, Hanson was named one of Michigan’s 10 Regional Teachers of the Year, who then participated in a series of interviews and presentations organized by MDE.
As Michigan Teacher of the Year, Hanson will serve as an official advocate for public school educators across the state. She will also serve as a nonvoting member of the State Board of Education, lending her expertise as the board considers education policy.
Follow this link to learn more about the Michigan Teacher of the Year program.