MI School Support Staff Bill of Rights

MI School Support Staff Bill of Rights

Joining together for higher pay, affordable health care and more respect

With continuing staff shortages, inadequate pay and rising health care costs, school support staff are being asked to do more than ever before — yet without the resources we need or the fair compensation we deserve.

Many are forced to work more than one job to make ends meet, leading to increased job burnout and staff turnover, harming the quality of education our kids receive.

That’s why school support staff across Michigan are joining together as union members and using our strength in numbers to demand a MI School Support Staff Bill of Rights.

With our voices raised together, we can help ensure that school support staff throughout Michigan receive higher pay, affordable quality health care and more respect on the job.

Learn more about national work on the School Support Staff Bill of Rights.

Sign up below to learn more and get involved – because ONE job should be enough!