IT’S NEW! Nominate Support Staff for State Award

At last – Michigan will begin recognizing the important work of Education Support Professionals with an annual award.

Nominations are now open for the new Education Support Staff Professional of the Year award – to be presented by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in partnership with MEA, AFT Michigan, and AFSCME Council 25.

Who’s the unsung hero you know working in an educational support role? Nominate him or her by Oct. 13.

Anyone working in educational support staff roles such as transportation workers, cafeteria workers, custodial staff, skilled trades staff, maintenance, secretarial and administrative assistants, security guards, and paraprofessionals are eligible to be considered for the award.

“Education support staff greatly contribute to the success of our students and schools – ensuring students arrive at school safely; that they are fed; that their schools are clean; and that they have assistance in classrooms,” said State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice. “It is important to recognize our education support staff professionals and value their contributions to student success.”

Nominations can be made using the online form between now and Sunday, October 13, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. Reviewers will evaluate each recommendation with the awardee announced in November 2019.

In addition to the ESP award, nominations for the 2020-21 Michigan Teacher of the Year are due Oct. 6. Anyone can nominate a favorite teacher who goes above and beyond.

