Letter to Members: It’s a New Day

As your new MEA officers, we are proud to represent Michigan’s educators, as we work together to continue to advocate for the educational tools all students need and the professional support all school employees deserve.

And now more than ever, we believe that our hard work and dedication over the past ten years have been successful as many of the harmful laws that were passed against educators have been overturned.

Our combined strength and our common belief in the power and passion of public education has made a difference for our students and our profession and for this we are proud!

Across the state we have seen wages increased and salary schedules restored. We have seen class sizes lowered and free breakfast and lunch programs expanded. We are seeing your hard work pay off as our members advocate for the resources that our students need to be excited and joyful learners.

And even though in many places the gains are great, we also know there are many challenges that lie ahead. We need to encourage more young people to go into education and revitalize our profession so we are able to proactively fill vacancies with people who value public education and make us less vulnerable to outsourcing or voucher programs.

Together we will create an environment where every student and educator feels safe and supported so they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally in an interdependent world.

We are excited about the future and know that together this year will be an amazing year filled with hope and rejuvenation. Your hard work has made a difference and we all will continue to work toward a common goal of providing a quality public education regardless of where a child lives as we believe it is the backbone of our democracy and essential to a strong economy.

MEA is committed to continue to advocate for our members as your working conditions are our students’ learning conditions. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our members and students. Thank you for choosing to be a part of this great union and a part of this period filled with hope and excitement for the future!

In Solidarity Always,

Chandra Madafferi, MEA President
Brett Smith, Vice President
Aaron Eling, Secretary-Treasurer

MEA Voice Feature


Saginaw Valley prof talks design and preparing students for careers

MEA member J. Blake Johnson received MEA’s Distinguished Servant of Public Education Award for the Cardinal Solutions program he founded at Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) in 2013, which allows students to do design and other work for local nonprofits and businesses before graduation. ____________________________________________________________________ What art and design work did you do before becoming […]