MEA Advocates Temporary Remote Learning for All Grades

With yesterday’s announcement  that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will require all high schools and colleges in the state to remain in a virtual format through Dec. 20, MEA continues to advocate for the order to also include K-8 schools.

“While in-person learning is optimal and remains our end goal, right now we believe virtual learning is the right choice for student and educator safety,” said MEA President Paula Herbart in a press release about member training efforts on education technology.

With ongoing high rates of community transmission related to the colder weather and holiday gatherings, MEA has urged state leaders and local school districts to shift to remote learning at all grade levels through December and reassess conditions in January.  Similarly, MEA is advocating against efforts to transition from virtual to in-person learning during this time period before the holidays.

While effective vaccines offer hope on the horizon, the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are on the rise dramatically. Hospitals across Michigan and the U.S. are experiencing shortages of intensive care beds and staff to care for critically ill patients in this second, larger wave of the global pandemic.

“Since March, in communities throughout Michigan, educators from every job classification have served as beacons of hope for children and families affected by the public health crisis,” Herbart said. “Our state’s dedicated school employees expect and deserve to have their safety and health prioritized at this dangerous time – along with the safety and health of the students they transport, care for, and teach.”

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