NEW! Join an Online Affinity Group 

A new program from MEA’s Center for Leadership & Learning will bring together members with a shared interest or identity for five weeks of virtual discussion starting in April. The first groups will focus on social workers, world languages educators, and early elementary members.

More groups will be added as the program grows.

Early elementary members will meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m., starting April 13. Some topics for discussion include Individualized Reading Plans, adapting to COVID, communication, stations, and avoiding summer slide. Sign up here.

Social work members will meet Thursdays at 6 p.m. starting April 15. Some topics for discussion include adapting to COVID and its impact on students, addressing student attendance challenges, move-up meetings, balancing the diagnoses of outside mental health providers and their impact on IEPs and 504s, and advocating for yourself. Sign up here.

World languages members will meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. starting April 13. To begin, participants will discuss developing resources and instructional strategies to meet state standards. Sign up here.

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