Whitmer to Push Pension Tax Repeal in State of the State

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is set to deliver her annual State of the State message on Wednesday evening, during which she will urge the Legislature to repeal the pension tax implemented under her predecessor, Rick Snyder.

According to media reports, Whitmer will call for the rollback of the tax implemented on seniors’ pensions enacted in 2012, which costs about half a million Michigan seniors around $1,000 per year. With state revenues continuing to be higher than expected, the state has the funding to make good on a proposal Whitmer first made in 2019 to eliminate the unpopular tax.

In the lead-up to State of the State, Gov. Whitmer has released several videos from Michigan citizens about their hopes and priorities for the state. One of the #IBelieveInMichigan videos features Detroit educator and parent Kendra Barclay, who speaks about the need to improve compensation for school employees as a real solution for the educator shortage. (You can watch all the videos here.)

Whitmer is expected to discuss that and other critical education policies between Wednesday’s speech and her executive recommendations for the next state budget in the weeks to come.

Whitmer will deliver this year’s State of the State virtually at 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

Home-Sidebar Legislation Newsroom

9 thoughts on “Whitmer to Push Pension Tax Repeal in State of the State

  1. The most amusing and extremely obnoxious comment from the repubs was the claim “it was that the governor came late to the party on this issue.” Really??? And also, who has been holding up spending the $5,8 BILLION we could have desperately used for so many critical needs??

  2. If the tax is not repealed in its entirety, at least consider repealing it for those who were already drawing a pension. Those who were already drawing a pension should have been grandfathered as they were depending on that money and were caught short as a result.

  3. This tax started in 2010 by Governor Snyder, did it not? I have e-mailed Governor Whitmer’s office asking her why this was never repealed, with no reply!! I voted for the Governor based on this promise . Why would I trust her PROMISE again! As they say…screw me once shame on you,screw me twice shame on me!! The Governor needs to repeal this tax now!! Please don’t lie your way into office! You are much better than that!!

    1. She can not do it. Must be done by the REPUBLICANS CONTROLLED State Legislative as declared in the State Constitution.
      She has the same problem that President Biden has — REPUBLICANS control the Senate with the help of 2 Democrats.

      Therefore he and she can not do what they and the majority of voters want him and her to do. They are not and can not be dictators

      Solution elect Democratic in State and National legislature elections.

  4. Taxes on pensions should have never been implemented in the first place. Snyder did this to give corporations tax breaks and now retirees are paying for it. Every time there is a tax break for big corporations and the rich the working class and retirees pay for it. I’m getting tired of paying more taxes so the rich can put more money in their pockets.

  5. Thank you so much for trying to help the Senior community Governor!! This tax has cost me over $100/month! As a local municipal employee I and thousands of others are getting ripped off!!

  6. When will the Snyder pension tax for police officers be repealed,??? All that prick did was raise taxes!! Gas, vehicle registration, he brought in the emergency manager that people voted down, he should be in jail!! Also the flint water deal. The nerd should pay back Michigan!!

  7. Please Gretchen do as you promised and repeal the Snyder pension tax and we will vote for you again!!!

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