MEA Seeking Teacher Fellow

MEA is looking for a Professional Practice and Policy Teaching Fellow for the 2021-2022 school year. The Fellow will be released full-time to work with MEA to use improvement science to organize and plan around professional learning to build affiliate membership and capacity.

The fellow will:

  • Model, propose, design, and/or implement equitable policies and practices to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Create professional learning opportunities in their affiliate for members to become association, professional practice, and policy leaders
  • Learn about the processes and outcomes of policymaking at the local, state, and national levels
  • Collaborate with the team fulfilling affiliate strategy
  • Build a network of cross-country professional colleagues

Desired qualifications: 

A Professional Practice and Policy Teaching Fellow has a mindset for learning and

  • at least five years of teaching experience
  • appreciates problem-solving and testing new ideas
  • experience with networks as shared leadership
  • is committed to increasing inclusivity and bettering the collective association experience
  • is willing to challenge the status quo in support of the future of unionism
  • is responsive to constructive feedback

Fellow’s commitments:

  • In late spring, fellows will complete pre-work.
  • During the summer, fellows will engage in an intensive launch on July 6-8 and August 9-11 that will include learning about improvement science, developing an organizing plan around professional learning, exploring intentionality in equity, and analyzing policy. Fellows will be compensated for their participation in the summer launch.
  • From September through June, fellows will work from their affiliate using improvement science to develop and implement their professional learning organizing plan.  They will meet bi-weekly, with TQ staff as a network for collaborative learning sessions and participate in coaching conversations to support their work.
  • The fellow will be expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings, and once NEA deems travel safe, travel as needed.

Application information:

Interested applicants must complete the application by Monday, April, 26, 2021 at 11:45 p.m at


3 thoughts on “MEA Seeking Teacher Fellow

  1. I have applied for the position, but have a few questions:
    1. This a full time position, correct? I will also have to resign my current position, correct?
    2. What is the pay?

  2. I applied for the Teacher Fellow position earlier today, but neglected to include the two years I worked as our district’s PAC representative (2007-2009). I tried resubmitting my application, but I believe Survey Monkey has been set so a person may submit an application only once.

    Thank you for your time.

    Erica Dykgraaf Kochaney

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