Are You Ready to Rally?

Now that we’ve seen all three state budget plans, it’s time to rally support for the one that provides students and educators the supports they need—Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposal to make a historic reinvestment in public education.

Join educators, parents, and other public education supporters at #RedForEd rallies at the Capitol June 18 and 25 to push for the school funding our students deserve!

“Our Red for Ed moment is here!” says MEA President Paula Herbart in this new video. “What will we do to say that we believe in Governor Whitmer’s budget?”

The video includes Whitmer’s call to action for hundreds of MEA members attending the MEA Winter Conference in Detroit last February: “We cannot—we cannot—miss this opportunity to make the biggest leap forward in education in decades,” Whitmer urged the crowd.

Both of the June rallies will include a program on the Capitol lawn and lobbying activities with lawmakers. NEA President Lily Eskelsen García will participate in the first event on June 18.

Bipartisan education groups around the state have called for lawmakers to pass Whitmer’s budget which begins to align Michigan with a research-supported “weighted formula” approach to school funding.

“Michigan’s school funding approach is broken, and a new, fairer approach is needed that serves the unique needs of all students, regardless of their circumstances,” Dr. Randy Liepa, Wayne RESA superintendent, said in a statement released this week.

