Aspiring Educators of Michigan: Leaders of Today and Tomorrow

Mamoona Chaudhry, AEM Secretary-Treasurer
Aryana Jharia, AEM Vice President
Abriana White, AEM President

The 23-24 school year is officially underway, and the leaders of the Aspiring Educators of Michigan are hard at work in both their college studies and as statewide leaders of AEM.

Abriana White, President, attends Wayne State University. Aryana Jharia, Vice President, attends Eastern Michigan University, and Mamoona Chaudhry, Secretary-Treasurer, attends Wayne State University.


Aspiring & Early Career Educators News


Early career help: tough topics

The young leaders of MEA’s Michigan New Educators—MiNE—are presenting a virtual series called “Tackling Tough Topics,” professional development they designed to help newer educators survive the cold, dark days of winter. Register now! While early-career educators may have attended other professional learning opportunities centered around these topics, this one is tailored to their needs, facilitated […]

THE FUTURE IS NOW: MI Evaluations are new

After many years under a punitive teacher evaluation system, Michigan educators got back the right to bargain the subject in 2024. MEA staff and union bargaining teams have worked tirelessly to negotiate local improvements and ensure districts are following the new law. Read your collective bargaining agreement for specifics of your district’s evaluation system, but […]