MEA Voice Magazine – February 2022 Issue

Click to view online. In this issue: Above and Beyond: Musicians show support for Oxford After Oxford ‘Normal is not a thing right now’ Teachers Describe Responses to Harrowing Attack ‘This will not be what defines Oxford’ Trauma Expert Leads Recovery in Oxford Meeting the Mental Health Challenge School Counselors Confront Crisis School Social Worker: […]

Urge Legislators to Reject Bills that Divide Rather than Unite

In her February Labor Voices column in the Detroit News, MEA President Paula Herbart made the case that educators and parents need to stand together against efforts to divide them, since the parent-educator relationship is critical for student success. There are a variety of divisive bills introduced in the Legislature that fit that description.  “Some […]

Survey shows widespread concern over educator shortage among teachers, school staff

Results of 2,600-educator survey show need for Whitmer budget proposals addressing educator shortage and student mental health EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association today released a statewide survey of nearly 2,600 educators, with the vast majority of those surveyed saying the state’s acute educator shortage and its impact on students is the most pressing […]

Whitmer Budget Prioritizes Education

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is proposing the largest funding increase for public education in 20 years, with proposals to recruit and retain educators, increase per-student spending, rebuild mental health supports, expand preschool access, and fund school construction and renovations. In addition, the governor’s budget, presented to lawmakers Wednesday, proposes 5% ongoing increases for the state’s colleges […]

Exploring a Spectrum of Solutions 

In the wake of the deadly shooting at Oxford High School, Republican leaders in the state House have formed a bipartisan committee to explore ways to improve school safety. The panel will look at how to improve safety protocols at schools and to assess and improve student mental health.  Meanwhile, Democrats have introduced several bills […]

Labor Voices: Politicians must stop trying to divide educators and parents

Educators and parents are an essential team for helping students achieve their full potential. But some politicians want to drive a wedge between parents and their children’s teachers in hopes of securing short-term political gain. If left unchecked, these dangerous ploys — in which political extremists create artificial controversies — can cause long-term harm to […]

Flexibility Needed for Attendance Requirements

A third of surveyed districts have had multiple days this school year where student attendance fell beneath the required 75% requirement, forcing some schools to close and others to risk losing state funding– despite staying open for in-person learning. In a Monday press release, MEA and other education organizations explained why lawmakers must take urgent action to […]

Whitmer to Outline Ambitious Education Budget to Address Critical Needs

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will unveil an ambitious budget plan this week that addresses Michigan’s educator shortage as well as mental health and learning needs for students. Whitmer is proposing to provide the biggest increase in education spending in 20 years. The governor’s budget director is set to present the spending recommendations to lawmakers Wednesday. Whitmer’s […]