Jacob Oaster: leader, teacher, innovator

MEA member Jacob Oaster is a mid-career vocal music teacher who knows how to manage a teaching load of 150 sixth through twelfth graders split into five different choirs, but 2020 has taken him back to a less certain time in his career. “I’ve worked harder this year than I ever have,” Oaster said. “It doesn’t feel like […]

Karen Christian: COVID ICU survivor

MEA member Karen Christian can recall a few moments of panic from her COVID-19 diagnosis in late September, starting with the shock of hearing a nurse on the phone saying the test was positive. That was on a Monday. The president of United Teachers of Flint, Christian thought she’d been battling a sinus infection—head congestion—since the previous Monday. […]

Karen Moore: secretary with a purpose

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor One of Karen Moore’s proudest accomplishments as Grand Blanc West High School secretary is the “zen room” she created a few years ago—outfitted with soft lights, gentle white noise, a lilac-scented diffuser, and coloring books, crayons, and puzzles. It’s a testament to her powers that she convinced the building principal to give […]

My View: Eyes Wide Shut

By Robyne Muray In a recent professional development that I attended in my district, the presenter discussed how our biases can distort our intentions and lead to inequity. I had a flashback of a time when I was an offender—when my unconscious bias directed my interaction with a student. Many educators have been facing up to similar uncomfortable truths this year amid […]

Majority of 4,700 MEA Members Surveyed Concerned About Safe Return to In-Person Learning

Educators want to be part of the decision-making process, solution EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association today released a statewide online survey of more than 4,700 educators with findings related to COVID-19’s continued impact on public education. The survey found a vast majority of educators are concerned about a full return to in-person learning as cases […]

Lame Duck Legislature to Begin Meeting This Week

The Michigan Legislature’s “lame duck” session begins this week, with the next three weeks of session leading up to the end of the year when all unpassed bills expire and a new legislature is seated in January with newly elected lawmakers. Many expect this year’s lame duck to be relatively quiet (including public comments from […]