Statement from MEA President on Election 2022 victories

EAST LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart on Tuesday’s election victories by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and other friends of public education: “Today is a great day for educators, students and parents across Michigan. Our fellow Michiganders turned out in huge numbers for a midterm to re-elect Gov. Gretchen […]

Michigan Education Association stands in solidarity with striking EMU faculty

EAST LANSING — Michigan Education Association President Paula Herbart issued the following statement Wednesday in response to the Eastern Michigan University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (EMU-AAUP) strike action: “At a time when Michigan families and students are struggling with a crippling educator shortage, it’s unconscionable that EMU administrators would want to […]

Labor Voices: Mentoring, professional support essential for educator retention

Michigan kids deserve the best and brightest educators. That seems like an uncontroversial statement, yet in the face of an educator shortage, some lawmakers have proposed significantly lowering our state’s teacher certification standards and making it easier for unqualified people to lead a classroom of young students. The last thing our state’s leaders should be […]