Labor Voices: Student mental health should be a top concern for lawmakers

There is a mental health crisis enveloping our schools across Michigan, and it’s going to take state leaders working together with parents and educators to secure a brighter future for our students — before it’s too late. According to a 2019 study from the National Institutes of Health, 16.5% of children 17 or under have […]

Labor Voices: Politicians must stop trying to divide educators and parents

Educators and parents are an essential team for helping students achieve their full potential. But some politicians want to drive a wedge between parents and their children’s teachers in hopes of securing short-term political gain. If left unchecked, these dangerous ploys — in which political extremists create artificial controversies — can cause long-term harm to […]

Labor Voices: Oxford tragedy compounds breaking point for educators, students

For students and educators alike, we’re at a breaking point. That was already clear from conversations I’ve had across Michigan these past few months. Now, add last Tuesday’s tragic shooting at Oakland County’s Oxford High School and its immense weight to that already heavy load. In Oxford, we lost four young people to senseless violence. […]

Labor Voices: Address Michigan’s educator shortage by reducing student debt

Skyrocketing student loan debt is a major contributor to Michigan’s educator shortage crisis. Addressing college affordability is a critical step to ensure we have enough teachers and staff to meet student needs. Student debt has forced many talented young teachers out of Michigan classrooms as they struggle to make ends meet while making large monthly […]

Labor Voices: Money drives for-profit cyber school recruitment

As we approach the new school year, we’re still faced by challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the priority of keeping students, educators and communities safe.  With the right virus mitigation measures, Michigan has shown in-person school can be safe – and many families and educators are looking forward to the academic and social-emotional support […]

Labor Voices: Educators must fight for student equity, social justice

The concept of social justice – and addressing injustice – has always been essential in public education. In the past year, it’s taken on new weight for students, however, as the global pandemic both exposed and exacerbated the injustices faced for decades by many low-income and students of color. Educators have an obligation to fight […]