Backdoor Voucher Plan Reappears

A backdoor voucher plan that failed to pass in the wild Lame Duck legislative session in December has reappeared in a pair of House Bills that got a hearing in the House Education Committee this week. HB 4626 and 4627, first introduced by term-limited Rep. Tim Kelly (R-Saginaw) last year, would create a new type […]

The Budget Battle Begins

As spring heads into summer, state budget negotiations will heat up along with the weather—especially given big differences between the education priorities of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican leaders in the state House and Senate.

MEA calls on governor to sign “snow day” bill – and on schools to do right by hourly workers

EAST LANSING – With the Legislature’s passage today of HB 4206 – which will allow schools to forgo making up days from this winter’s record-cold emergency days – the Michigan Education Association is calling on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to quickly sign the legislation.  Doing so will allow school districts to finalize schedules for the end […]

A Push for Post-Secondary Education

MEA Vice President Chandra Madafferi on Thursday joined Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and a bipartisan group of lawmakers and state business and education leaders in support of House and Senate bills creating the MI Opportunity Scholarship and Michigan Reconnect Program. Opportunities abound for students and adults who complete skills certification training or obtain community college or […]

Snow Day Bill Moves to Senate

A bill that would forgive Michigan school districts from making up school days cancelled when the governor declares a state of emergency passed the state House this week. HB 4206 now heads to the Senate, where we need to urge approval as soon as possible next week. State law currently provides six snow days per year, and […]