ICYMI — Census 2020

The once-a-decade United States Census provides a fascinating teachable moment for students of all grade levels, intersecting social studies, mathematics and other disciplines in concrete ways. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program is offering free, teacher-designed resources at census.gov/schools that connect with various academic areas, including math, geography, history and more. There are […]

Get involved in Election 2020

Who needs “latte funds” anyway? By Kay Walker-Telma MEA-Retired president Welcome to 2020. Have a cup of coffee and relax for a moment. Then, get to work. With the November election a mere eight months away, we’ll be looking at the Election Day date on the calendar much more quickly than we can imagine. Members […]

Teacher Recruitment and Retention

By Jennifer Dooley M.Ed., MAED. Sixth-grade teacher Pontiac City School District In the December-January issue of MEA Voice magazine, I was one of several educators quoted in a piece about educator recruitment and retention. However, I found when the issue came out, my quote did not make sense out of context. Without explanation, it was […]

Sen. Peters Appeals to Educators at MEA Winter Conference

This election year Michigan will be a battleground state in a fight that will determine the future direction of public education, U.S. Sen. Gary Peters told attendees at last week’s MEA Winter Conference. It’s time to replace U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who has zero experience with public schools as a parent, teacher or administrator, […]

Whitmer Proposes Budget Increase for Education

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer launched the process for developing next year’s state budget with a proposed spending plan that includes increases for education and weighted funding for students who are costlier to educate. Whitmer is proposing a $415 million increase in K-12 funding and additional money for universities and community colleges. Under the Whitmer plan, base […]

MEA announces initial federal candidate recommendations

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association is pleased to announce the following recommendations of candidates for the U.S. Senate and for eight Michigan Congressional districts: – U.S. Senate – Gary Peters – 5th District – Dan Kildee – 6th District – Jon Hoadley – 8th District – Elissa Slotkin – 9th District – Andy […]

MEA President statement on Whitmer education budget proposal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 6, 2020 Contact: Doug Pratt, MEA Director of Public Affairs MEA President statement on Whitmer education budget proposal   EAST LANSING —The following can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart regarding today’s education budget recommendations from Gov. Whitmer: “While we have a long way to go to fully fund Michigan’s […]