Visit to engage in Election 2020

NEA’s new website offers some great tools to help you learn more about the candidates for the 2020 presidential race and get engaged in next year’s election: – Compare Candidates – Especially useful given the number of candidates running, the Compare Candidates tool lets you select from everyone running to learn more about their stances on issues important for […]

Watch NEA presidential forum this Friday

Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly will get to hear first-hand from 10 presidential candidates who accepted an invitation to a forum at the annual event in Houston this Friday – and you can join them via a livestream of the event. The #StrongPublicSchools Presidential Forum will occur from 3-5 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, […]

Sign up for Staples discounts by June 30 to win a “classroom refresh”

Since MEA’s new discount program with Staples launched late last year, members who’ve signed up have saved thousands of dollars on supply purchases. But we know many haven’t signed up yet to take advantage of the savings. That’s why Staples and 3M are sponsoring a special contest for MEA members to win a “classroom refresh” […]

Are You Ready to Rally?

Now that we’ve seen all three state budget plans, it’s time to rally support for the one that provides students and educators the supports they need—Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposal to make a historic reinvestment in public education.

The Budget Battle Begins

As spring heads into summer, state budget negotiations will heat up along with the weather—especially given big differences between the education priorities of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republican leaders in the state House and Senate.

#RedForEd Educators Heard by Senator

As an educator and public school employee, what you would say if a state lawmaker asked you to share your biggest concerns about public education in Michigan? Think on it—we’ll come back to your ideas in a moment. Meanwhile, take a look at the some of the issues raised by one group of about a […]