Act Now to Change Student Growth Percentage

MEA lobbyists have been pushing for changes to the state’s evaluation law for more than a year. As of press time, House Bill 4221 and Senate Bill 122 were under consideration in the state Legislature. The measures would return the percentage of an educator’s annual evaluation that is tied to student growth measures to 25 […]

Who Will Listen To Educators?

Only 25 percent of all Michigan educators—and just 20 percent of teachers—would recommend a career in education to a young person they know, according to results from Launch Michigan’s 2019 Statewide Educator Survey. The top driver of dissatisfaction in their profession? Seventy-two percent say it’s “lack of support from policy-makers and politicians.” “Teaching is a […]

Online Option for Mandated Reporters

For mandated reporters, it can be difficult to call and make a report of suspected abuse or neglect knowing it could take up to 30 minutes or more to complete the process by phone. Thanks to a new online program, those reports can now be completed online. If you are a mandated reporter, please register […]

Whitmer Announces Educator Advisory Council

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer today followed through on her pledge to elevate the voices of educators in her administration with the announcement of a new 15-member Educator Advisory Council, which will begin taking applications immediately. The Educator Advisory Council will be responsible for: Identifying and analyzing issues impacting the effectiveness of Michigan’s public education system; Identifying […]

Bus Driver has ‘Higher Purpose’

MEA member Marti Alvarez makes a distinction between her job at Traverse City Area Public Schools and her reason for being. She is employed as a bus driver, but she is driven by a goal to help students be successful human beings – a message she spreads to colleagues doing every type of work in […]

Message to ESP Conference: More than “Justa”

Yvonne Williams wants MEA’s Education Support Professionals to banish a word from their vocabulary: “Justa.” “It would not be unusual to hear one of our colleagues say I am justa bus driver, I’m justa secretary or I’m justa custodian,” the recently retired MEA Northern Zone Director told attendees at the ESP Statewide Conference in Port […]

Whitmer Urges ‘Bold Investment’ with Budget Proposal

Michigan’s K-12 public schools would receive a $120-180 per-pupil boost in funding, plus additional aid to support the costlier needs of at-risk, special education, and career/technical students, under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s first state budget proposal released today. The governor’s spending blueprint follows the recommendations of several recent studies which examined Michigan’s school funding system and […]