Applications due Monday for New Non-Partisan Redistricting Commission

If you’re interested in serving on Michigan’s new non-partisan redistricting commission, applications are due to the Secretary of State this coming Monday, June 1.

Created by the passage of the Voters Not Politicians ballot measure in 2018, this commission will take over drawing legislative district maps for 2022, following the 2020 Census (if you haven’t already completed your census form, please do so today).  Until now, the Legislature had the primary responsibility for drawing their own district lines.

To serve on the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, applicants must be registered to vote in the state of Michigan.  Commissioners will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants. You do not need any specific skills or expertise to apply, although partisan politicians, lobbyists and staff aren’t permitted to serve. The constitution simply requires that each commissioner “perform his or her duties in a manner that is impartial and reinforces public confidence in the integrity of the redistricting process.”

To learn more about the commission and to apply, visit  Note that the form must be notarized and submitted by Monday – you can get the form notarized at your local clerk’s office or online via

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