Get ready for the new year with MEA’s Summer Essentials Webinars

MEA’s Center for Leadership and Learning is holding a series of free afternoon webinars this week and next on topics such as classroom management, motivating students, building a basic website for school projects and more. The Summer Essential Webinar series brings you powerful ideas and strategies that will be the most impactful for you as educators and will serve as a foundation for a successful school year.

Full descriptions of the sessions and dates can be found here. SCECH credit and certificates of completion are available for interested MEA members. All sessions will be held over Zoom – register today to secure your spot and get the link to join.


Home-Sidebar Newsroom Professional Development


Early career help: tough topics

The young leaders of MEA’s Michigan New Educators—MiNE—are presenting a virtual series called “Tackling Tough Topics,” professional development they designed to help newer educators survive the cold, dark days of winter. Register now! While early-career educators may have attended other professional learning opportunities centered around these topics, this one is tailored to their needs, facilitated […]