Jeremy Frame

Jeremy Frame

Jeremy Frame has been a special education teacher in Farmington for 17 years. He recalls attending a new teacher orientation in 2003 with 80-100 new hires in which he only saw one other African-American man.“I remember those first few years, having issues and questions and nobody I could turn to and say, ‘Here’s my experience; here’s what I’m feeling. Do you feel that?’ Growing up in Ypsilanti, Frame was influenced by a black male teacher in second grade who saw his potential and said, “I would love for you to go into this profession. You can do this. You can be a teacher.” That moment planted a seed. Today the building where Frame works is headed up by an African-American principal who has been successful in hiring more black faculty than ever before. The key is to be intentional in recruiting, mentoring, and supporting educators of color, he says. Still, not many black males are applying nowadays. Frame believes low pay drives away potential educators of color who have other career options that offer greater financial rewards with less stress. In addition, the focus on standardized testing has had a negative impact on the field. “It’s almost pitting teachers against teachers, and then you get away from collaboration and away from people looking out for each other and the greater good.”

MEA Voice Feature Teachers


A picture of Kelly Cusmano celebrating with students

Rochester educator named Teacher of the Year

Surrounded by over 1,600 students, family members, colleagues, and supporters, Rochester High School teacher Kelley Cusmano was presented with Michigan’s Teacher of the Year award for 2024 by State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice. Cusmano, a veteran teacher of 19 years, is an English teacher, MEA member and the student council adviser at Rochester High School. […]