Latest NEA data on teacher salaries provides another #RedForEd Reality Check

This week, NEA released this year’s edition of its Rankings and Estimates report, a well-respected and anticipated national “by-the-numbers” look at public education.  This year’s data continues to tell a scary story about the state of educator pay in Michigan:

  • After adjusting for inflation, average teacher salaries in the United States have fallen by 4.5% over the last decade.  Over the same period and with the same adjustment, average Michigan teacher salaries have fallen by 12% – fourth worst in the nation.
  • The average starting teacher salary nationwide in 2017-18 was $39,172, up 1.44% compared to the previous year.  However, in Michigan, the average starting salary was $36,309, up just .8% from the prior year. Michigan ranks 32nd in starting salary.
  • Nationwide, 37% of districts have a starting salary of at least $40,000.  In Michigan, just 12% of districts hit that level.

This salary data lines up with other research from MSU, which shows Michigan is last in the nation for education funding increases over the past 25 years, and the School Finance Research Collaborative’s study which concluded Michigan’s schools are underfunded by at least $2,000 per pupil.

All this points to the critical need for Gov. Whitmer’s proposed education funding increases to become law.  That’s why MEA is engaged in our #RedForEd plans, including sharing Reality Checks with the general public.  Learn more about these efforts – which lead up to events at the Capitol in June – and what you can do to help at


One thought on “Latest NEA data on teacher salaries provides another #RedForEd Reality Check

  1. More, more, more everyone wants more increase the millage for road patrols, increase millage for 911, force through a new jail after voted down twice everyone always want more. What about us people living on a fixed income? Everything keeps going up except our social security payments we worked all our lives for. We are already living below poverty levels but everyone wants more, more, more but no one seems to care about the people that can’t afford to pay more, more, more think about that next time you’re asked for more because someday you’re going to be the one on a fixed income and trying to figure out how to survive.

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