MEA announces recommendations of McCormack and Welch for Michigan Supreme Court

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association is pleased to announce recommendations for Chief Justice Bridget Mary McCormack and Elizabeth Welch for election to the Michigan Supreme Court.

“When the interests of students and educators come before our state’s Supreme Court, we expect nothing more or less than a fair hearing under the law,” said MEA President Paula Herbart. “Justice McCormack’s eight years on the bench have proven her to be a fair and impartial voice for justice – and we believe Elizabeth Welch’s brilliant legal mind and strong beliefs in the institution of public education will serve our state and our students for years to come.”

McCormack has served on the Michigan Supreme Court since 2013 and as Chief Justice since 2019. Prior to her time on the bench, she was professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where she taught criminal law and legal ethics, and oversaw the school clinical programs. During her time on the Supreme Court, she has ruled on a variety of important cases for public education, including deciding in favor of individual school districts’ ability to restrict the carry of guns in schools and in favor of returning the 3 percent of school employees’ salary illegally withheld from 2010-12 under an unconstitutional state law.

Welch is an employment law attorney from Grand Rapids, running her own practice for the past 16 years to help employers understand and follow laws governing wages and hours, leave practices, employee contracts and negotiations, and more. She’s active in the West Michigan community, including service with the Steelcase Foundation, the Grand Valley University Foundation and the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. Welch has been a staunch supporter of public education throughout her career, including seven years of service on the East Grand Rapids Public Schools Board of Education and many years of statewide outreach and training for parents to advocate for strong public schools on behalf of their students and their communities.

Following interviews of the candidates, these recommendations were voted on by the MEA Statewide Screening & Recommending Committee, which is a diverse group of MEA members from across the state elected or appointed to recommend friends of public education for election in statewide races.

As the state’s largest school employee union, MEA and its members – who live and work in every Michigan county – have a long history of political engagement and helping friends of public education win elections.

Contact: Doug Pratt, MEA Director of Public Affairs, 517-337-5508


