Meeting Space Requests

If your group/team would like to reserve meeting space at MEA Headquarters, please complete the form linked here. Please submit the completed form along with any questions you may have to Dominique Muse at

You can also contact her by phone at (517) 337-5491.

To ensure enough time for processing, please submit this form 14 days before your event.

Meeting Request Form_

Newsroom Professional Development Uncategorized


MEA statement on MI Senate’s passage of financial relief for educators and schools

EAST LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to Michigan Education Association President and CEO Chandra Madafferi, a teacher from Oakland County: “The Michigan Education Association applauds the state Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 911, which will permanently end the state’s 3% tax on more than 100,000 veteran teachers and school support staff. “Our […]