Network, Learn, Grow at Statewide ESP Conference

This year, Education Support Professionals have faced unforeseen challenges in every job category as the COVID-19 pandemic has upended normal life – and their contributions are something to be proud of, says ESP Caucus President Roy Freeman.

Now in the wake of that upheaval and change, the MEA ESP Statewide Conference on March 25-27 offers a chance to come together, network, learn and grow.

“COVID has certainly presented obstacles we never expected, and ESP members stepped up all over this state to make students’ lives enriched in numerous ways,” Freeman says. “Never forget, we as Education Support Professionals are never ‘Just A.’ We are professionals on a mission to enrich the lives of every student in our communities.”

This year the conference will be virtual, and offerings are free to members in good standing. Sessions run in the evenings on Thursday and Friday, and through much of the day on Saturday. Register today, and be sure to request ESP Certificate credit for program-eligible sessions.

From bargaining tips to strategies for lifting member voices, the Statewide ESP Conference offers tools for participants to strengthen their locals and effectively represent members. The winner of this year’s Leon A. Brunner award will be announced in the opening general session (there’s still time to nominate a worthy recipient for this top honor for ESP members).

“It is always rewarding to gather and grow together as MEA Education Support Professionals,” Freeman said, noting: “We have a large variety of sessions this year, and you don’t even have to drive and struggle with snow!”

Register today for the free, virtual MEA ESP Statewide Conference.

Education Support Professionals Newsroom Professional Development


Early career help: tough topics

The young leaders of MEA’s Michigan New Educators—MiNE—are presenting a virtual series called “Tackling Tough Topics,” professional development they designed to help newer educators survive the cold, dark days of winter. Register now! While early-career educators may have attended other professional learning opportunities centered around these topics, this one is tailored to their needs, facilitated […]